
Highway Reflections

Highway Reflections

Highway Reflections is about people on the move. As of mid 2022, the UNHCR estimates that over 103 million people are forcibly displaced.

Often many of us enter into a time of deep reflection and introspection when driving for a long amount of time on highways. Along the way, we see many different types of road signs – speed limits, location names,and  distances from one point to another. This year, we invite you to ponder on the world’s displaced peoples’ experiences in light of these road signs (and other signs in general), thus having Highway Reflections.

The sign above illustrates the normality of refugees swimming across a body of water in pursuit of safety. In doing so, many people drown. We reflect on their potential experiences, their desperation to reach safety, and what we can do to help the displaced. Some of us may be far removed from this type of experience. It is important to reflect on other people’s journeys other than our own, so we can be more able to love them and pray for them, caring for the stranger and the friend.

The image on the right was taken near the Syrian border. Since 2011, more than 6.8 million Syrians have crossed the border, being forced to leave their country. Many are strangers in their third countries, without basic human rights and status. they long to be welcomed and embraced so that they are able to establish a safe and stable home for them and their families. They desire a life where they are protected and an pursue a new start.

As you drive along highways and roads, take a photo (when it is safe to do so) of any signs that inspire you to reflect about the displaced people. We encourage you to post it on your social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) , make sure to use the following hashtags so that we can find you:#Refugeehighway #WorldRefugeeSunday #highwayreflections #philoiglobal